Malden Fire Co. & October’s Nor’easter


The Nor’easter Massachusetts experienced on the tail-end of October brought severe weather conditions and commotion to Malden. It bustled through eastern Massachusetts with winds as high as 50 miles per hour and heavy rainfall. As a result, Malden’s Fire Department was overwhelmed with attendance to impairments throughout the city. 

In the 48-hour window between that Wednesday and Thursday, the Malden Fire Department responded to 83 emergency calls directly related to the storm. Roughly 25-30 of those calls were concerning blown over trees and utility poles that impacted electrical power, cell phone service, and cable. Some streets were merely impassable due to blown over trees, documented by photo on the Facebook Group “ALL ABOUT MALDEN” by administrator and local resident, Peter Caso. The Malden Fire Company, as well as National Grid, Verizon, and other utility companies worked tentatively trying to restore power and repair damages for Malden residents.

Aside from natural extremities induced by the storm, the Malden Fire Company also responded to many calls due to accidental alarm activations believed to be a result of the wind and rain, affecting the city’s power. Malden’s Fire Department contacted dispatches from Revere and Everett that were also overwhelmed by an influx of calls. Though call volume was dense, there were fortunately no major fires or serious injuries reported. 

Days after the storm cleared, the Malden Fire Department effectively cleared the roads of any trees and wreckage that had blocked the streets.


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